Woman stole money from South Yorkshire pensioner after lying about death of her child

Natalie MasonNatalie Mason
Natalie Mason
A 'cruel' woman lied about the death of her child and stole around £8,000 from a vulnerable South Yorkshire pensioner.

Natalie Mason, 29, of Alexandra Road, Hull, was sentenced to 45 months in prison on Tuesday, July 17, after admitting robbery and theft of the Barnsley pensioner.

Sheffield Crown Court heard how Mason befriended an elderly, vulnerable woman in 2016.

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Over the course of several months, Mason financially exploited her victim.

PC Greg Brice said: “Mason’s manipulation of a vulnerable woman is utterly deplorable and I’m pleased she has been convicted of the offences put before her in court.

“Mason’s lies seemingly knew no bounds. She told her victim numerous false stories about needing money including that her property needed work so it was safe for her children, her children had been abducted and, on one horrific occasion, she even went so far as to say one of her children had been killed and she needed money for funeral costs.

“Financial records indicate that between September and November 2016, Mason conned her victim into handing over around £8,000.

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“Her cruel campaign finally came to an end in November 2016, when she showed up at the victim’s house and demanded money. When the victim refused, Mason got violent and forcibly stole around £500.

Police were called that evening and our investigation into Mason’s crimes began.

“Our enquiries revealed that Mason’s stories were simply that – fabrications intended to exploit and manipulate an elderly woman’s kind nature.”

Mason was due to go on trial in May this year, but didn’t appear and moved out of South Yorkshire. She was later arrested in Hull.

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PC Brice added: “At no point throughout our inquiry has Mason shown any remorse for her actions. I am pleased she is now behind bars where she can cause no further harm to vulnerable members of the community or exploit anyone else.

“I hope the public is reassured by the action taken by police to apprehend this individual and bring her to justice. I offer my thanks to our victim for her support throughout our lengthy investigation and hope this sentencing provides some form of closure.”