Where to find the Marathon Gates from Sheffield's old Don Valley Stadium

The Marathon Gates at Kelham Island MuseumThe Marathon Gates at Kelham Island Museum
The Marathon Gates at Kelham Island Museum
They stood at the entrance to Sheffield's now-demolished Don Valley Stadium - and art experts believed their whereabouts were a mystery.

But now artist Hilary Cartmel's Marathon Gates, which date from 1990 and feature decorative scenes of sporting figures cut into steel plate, have been tracked down.

It seems the gates hadn't moved that far at all. Before demolition began at the stadium in 2013, the public art was removed and taken to Kelham Island Museum where they remain on display, fixed to a wall as a fine example of metalworking skill.

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Seeking out Sheffield's hidden public art

Yesterday The Star highlighted a number of sculptures and commissions that had faded into obscurity, been lost or were in storage. These included The Beasts of Brincliffe, a beech carving by Jason Thomson depicting wildlife in Chelsea Park, Nether Edge, that has naturally rotted; David Nash's The Eye of the Needle, an oak column on the Five Weirs Walk which is now covered by birch trees, and Mike Disley's The Plane Spotters, which now sits chipped and damaged on the Transpennine Trail near Catley Road, Darnall.