WATCH: '˜Dunt Tha Want Mi' '“ Sheffield band's witty take on Human League classic becomes online hit

The Everly Pregnant Brothers' parody single Dunt Tha Want MiThe Everly Pregnant Brothers' parody single Dunt Tha Want Mi
The Everly Pregnant Brothers' parody single Dunt Tha Want Mi
The Sheffield band behind the brilliant Kings of Leon parody, Chip Pan, has done it again.

This time The Everly Pregnant Brothers have turned to fellow Sheffielders Human League for inspiration.

Their 1981 Christmas number one Don't You Want Me has been given the Yorkshire treatment to become Dunt Ta Want Mi.

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The Everly Pregnant Brothers, whose witty cover versions have made them a Sheffield institution, have given the lyrics a typically witty makeover.

The famous opening line, for example, is reimagined as '˜Tha were working as a buffer girl at Mappin & Webb when I met you'.

The YouTube video was only published on Friday but has quickly racked up more than 3,6000 views.

Fans have lavished the song and accompanying video with praise - in true Sheffield style, of course.

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Lori Nyx wrote: 'Bless ya! Was a terrible day until this. Amazon delivery man broke the bottle of Hendo's I'd ordered as they don't sell it here. (NO LIE!) Now I've got the strength to carry on.'

Another fan commented: 'Oh aye. Reet good that. Sounds much better in proper English.'

The Everly Pregnant Brothers' 2016 hit Chip Pan, which turned Kings of Leon's lustful lyrics into a cautionary tale about the perils of drunken cooking, featured on national TV and briefly threatened to top the festive charts themselves two years ago.

But more importantly, the song '“ for which they teamed up with South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue '“ raised nearly £3,000 for the charities Age UK Sheffield and Shelter.

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