VIDEO: 'Fossil fuels like dinosaurs have died out' - Campaigners oppose fracking and call for more renewable energy at Sheffield rally

Fossil Fuel Day of Action and anti fracking protest on Saturday October 14th at Barkers Pool in Sheffield. Picture: Chris EtchellsFossil Fuel Day of Action and anti fracking protest on Saturday October 14th at Barkers Pool in Sheffield. Picture: Chris Etchells
Fossil Fuel Day of Action and anti fracking protest on Saturday October 14th at Barkers Pool in Sheffield. Picture: Chris Etchells
Campaigners at a rally in Sheffield used inflatable dinosaurs get their message across that fossil fuels have 'died out'.

Hundreds of people gathered in Barker's Pool on Saturday to call for a complete ban on the use of fracking and urged to the Government to 'keep fossil fuels in the ground'.

High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing - or fracking as it's more commonly known - is a controversial method of extracting gas from deep underground. After drilling high volumes of water, chemicals and sand are injected at high pressure to fracture shale rock and release gas.

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Fossil Fuel Day of Action and anti fracking protest on Saturday October 14th at Barkers Pool in Sheffield. Picture: Chris EtchellsFossil Fuel Day of Action and anti fracking protest on Saturday October 14th at Barkers Pool in Sheffield. Picture: Chris Etchells
Fossil Fuel Day of Action and anti fracking protest on Saturday October 14th at Barkers Pool in Sheffield. Picture: Chris Etchells

Global fracking firm INEOS have identified test drilling sites at Harthill and Woodsetts near Rotherham, Marsh Lane near Eckington and Tinker Lane and Misson near Doncaster.

Environmental activists, trade union delegates and Sheffield Central MP Paul Blomfield all spoke at the event - all of whom called for a real shift towards renewable and green energy.

The event coincided with a 'national day of action' with gatherings across the world hosted by Friends of the Earth.

Richard Souter, Sheffield Friends of the Earth spokesman said: “Our government seems hell-bent on developing fracking on Sheffield’s doorstep. Fracking is not necessary, it will rip up our countryside, pollute our waters, increase air pollution and threaten wildlife habitats. Moreover, heavy traffic from the proposed fracking sites, carrying some of the worse pollutants, will be treated here in Sheffield at Ecclesfield.

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Fossil Fuel Day of Action and anti fracking protest on Saturday October 14th at Barkers Pool in Sheffield. Picture: Chris EtchellsFossil Fuel Day of Action and anti fracking protest on Saturday October 14th at Barkers Pool in Sheffield. Picture: Chris Etchells
Fossil Fuel Day of Action and anti fracking protest on Saturday October 14th at Barkers Pool in Sheffield. Picture: Chris Etchells

“The age of the dinosaur came to an abrupt end. The age of fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – needs to come to an equally abrupt end. To protect our futures, we need to keep fossil fuels in the ground, skip fracking and go to renewables.”

Speaking to Sheffield Live, Sheffield Central MP Paul Blomfield said: "There is a central challenge to to our politics which is about climate change and it's wrong to be over dependent on fossil fuels at a time when the real opportunities are in exploiting renewable energy.

"Because the commitment the Government wants to make to invest in fracking, puts the resources into the wrong technology - we (Labour Party) have said simply, that we would ban fracking as part of ensuring that we invest instead in renewable energy and energy of the future."

An INEOS spokesman previously told The Star they 'hold itself to the highest possible standards when it comes to safety and environmental responsibility at all of its sites'.