Stunning images of a Scottish Queen captured by Steel City lensman

Peter Willis photographs of Mary Queen of Scots inspired by the new movie of the Scots monarchPeter Willis photographs of Mary Queen of Scots inspired by the new movie of the Scots monarch
Peter Willis photographs of Mary Queen of Scots inspired by the new movie of the Scots monarch
A talented Steel City photographer has produced a series of stunning images inspired by the city's connections with a Scottish queen who is immortalised in a new movie.

History buff and lensman, Peter Willis, used Rotherham model, Nicole Pogmore, to reflect his interest in Mary Queen of Scots.

Peter, 47, of Bowman Drive in Gleadless, whose day-to-day job is as a care worker for Newfield View based in Sheffield, said Mary was placed under house arrest at Manor Lodge in the city.

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He said many people did not realise the Steel City's connection with the Scottish monarch '“ sister of Queen Elizabeth II.

He said: 'I really wanted to capture what Mary was all about in the photos. I was inspired by the new Mary Queen of Scots film and the fact that she has been adopted by the city because of her captivity in Sheffield.'


He added: 'It is my hope that the film sheds a favourable light on the Scottish Queen and I hope my photos do.

'If any Mary fans, Tudor fans, or Tudor residences are interested in purchasing any photos then great. Maybe then she will be

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seen as the real person she was and not just a figure in history.

'If anyone wants any of the photographs they can contact me at [email protected] email address.'

In addition to his photographic work the paranormal investigator said he also had another connection with Mary Queen of Scots as he had recorded Scottish voices protesting 'It was murder' when he carried out an investigation at Manor Lodge . Also his recordings from The Old Queen's Head pub had confirmed  connections with her.