Sir Cliff abuse case files to be reviewed

Cliff RichardCliff Richard
Cliff Richard
The decision not to press charges in the abuse case against Sir Cliff Richard is being reviewed

The singer was the subject of a two year South Yorkshire Police investigation which centred on sexual assault accusations made by nine men covering the 1950s-1980s

Files on four of the allegations were passed to the Crown Prosecution Service to review but lawyers opted against prosecuting on the grounds of insufficient evidence.

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Now, one of Sir Cliff's accusers, has asked for a review of the CPS decision.

He lodged an application under the Victims' Right to Review scheme at the beginning of August.

The process allows an alleged victim, within three months of a decision not to proceed with their case, to call for it to be reviewed.

A lawyer will look at the evidence before deciding to uphold or overturn the original decision made by the CPS.

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Sir Cliff, aged 75, was never arrested or charged, and always denied the accusations against him.

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South Yorkshire Police launched an investigation after a man claimed to have been assaulted at a Christian concert attended by Sir Cliff in Sheffield in the mid 1980s.

The accuser was a teenager at the time of the alleged offence.

Officers searched Sir Cliff's apartment in Berkshire in 2014 while a BBC film crew, tipped off about the raid, filmed the activity and named the star.

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After the investigation was brought to a close in June, Sir Cliff said he was 'thrilled'.

"I have always maintained my innocence, co-operated fully with the investigation, and cannot understand why it has taken so long to get to this point," he said.

"Nevertheless, I am obviously thrilled that the vile accusations and the resulting investigation have finally been brought to a close."

When he was named as a suspect following the televised raid of his home, he said he had been 'hung out like live bait'.

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He is reportedly considering taking legal action over the matter.

The career of the multi-millionaire singer, actor and TV star has spanned 57 years, with his greatest hits including Living Doll, Summer Holiday and Mistletoe And Wine.