Sheffielders give anti-terror blocks festive makeover

Heather Parnell, aged 9, with councillor Jim Steinke, cabinet for neighbourhoods and community safetyHeather Parnell, aged 9, with councillor Jim Steinke, cabinet for neighbourhoods and community safety
Heather Parnell, aged 9, with councillor Jim Steinke, cabinet for neighbourhoods and community safety
Two Sheffield artists have designed festive covers for concrete blocks around the city centre.

Drawings by Katie Woods, of Drawn By Woodsy, and Heather Parnall, aged eight, were chosen by Sheffield City Council to be used on the covers.

Heather said: 'I enjoyed doing it very much. It made me feel very excited to be chosen. I felt very proud to see my drawing on the blocks and I think it looks amazing.'

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Artist Katie Woods with councillor Jim Steinke, cabinet for neighbourhoods and community safetyArtist Katie Woods with councillor Jim Steinke, cabinet for neighbourhoods and community safety
Artist Katie Woods with councillor Jim Steinke, cabinet for neighbourhoods and community safety

Ms Woods said: 'I'm really excited, I love it. They certainly look a lot nicer than they did.

'I do a lot of Sheffield-based stuff, I've been doing some things for an online advert calendar for the Christmas period so it was drawn from those pictures I did already.'

In total, 11 blocks have been given the covers and cost the council around £2,800.

They will remain on the blocks until the second week of January, 2019.

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Councillor Jim Steinke, cabinet member for neighbourhoods and community safety, said: 'I think they're great, they certainly brighten up what would have been quite bland, concrete blocks which are a neccessity. I really appreciate people going out of their way to come up with ideas and it's good that people have done that.

'I think this is a welcome development. Hopefully next year we will be able to plan it better and get more sponsorship to get the whole of the city centre blocks covered with different designs.

'Most Christmas markets across the country now have security measures like this, there's no particular danger that's been identified but part of modern life is that we avoid any dangerous acts.'

You can buy art by Katie Woods at Bird's Yard in the city centre and see more @drawnbywoodsy on Twitter.