Sheffield mum who set up charity in memory of stillborn daughter nominated for award

Lisa Fletcher, of Killamarsh, Sheffield, with daughter Lillie Grace and husband Nik. Lillie Grace was born stillborn in October 2015, and since then Lisa has set up charity 'Dresses for Angels' and makes care packages for other families who also lose a baby.Lisa Fletcher, of Killamarsh, Sheffield, with daughter Lillie Grace and husband Nik. Lillie Grace was born stillborn in October 2015, and since then Lisa has set up charity 'Dresses for Angels' and makes care packages for other families who also lose a baby.
Lisa Fletcher, of Killamarsh, Sheffield, with daughter Lillie Grace and husband Nik. Lillie Grace was born stillborn in October 2015, and since then Lisa has set up charity 'Dresses for Angels' and makes care packages for other families who also lose a baby.
A mum who makes funeral gowns for stillborn babies after the death of her daughter has been nominated for an award.

Lisa Fletcher, aged 43, and her husband Nik, aged 33, of Killamarsh, were overjoyed when they learned they were expecting their daughter, Lillie Grace, in February 2015.

However, just days before she was booked in for her Cesarian-section in October, the couple were told that she had passed away.

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Lisa said: “Our lives were torn apart in a split second. I had to go back the day after and Lillie Grace was born sleeping. I’m honoured to be her mum, but our lives are still so empty without her. I’m glad we got to meet her.”

Three months later, Lisa’s cousin Kim Dowling suggested she made care packages to help other families in the same position.

Lisa said: “We decided to call our charity Dresses for Angels and I set up a Facebook page. Within 24 hours, we had requests from 28 ladies wanting to send dresses. The response has been amazing and it’s just grown.”

Since then, Lisa, along with around 50 volunteers from across the country, have made 600 gowns - along with other things, such as a hat, blanket, and nappy cover - from over 300 donated wedding dresses.

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Inspired by his wife, Nik nominated her for the Inspirational Mother award at the Butterfly Awards.

The awards are organised by BabyLoss Star, an organisation which helps families deal with baby loss.

Lisa added: “It’s lovely know that Lillie Grace has touched so many lives. I hope I can make her, and my husband, proud of me.”

To vote for Lisa, visit Also search ‘Dresses for Angels’ on Facebook.

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