Sheffield-based diabetes scheme '˜should be rolled out across country'

Carolin Taylor, diabetes specialist nurse, Dr Paru King, QiC judge, and Dr Jackie Elliott collect their award.Carolin Taylor, diabetes specialist nurse, Dr Paru King, QiC judge, and Dr Jackie Elliott collect their award.
Carolin Taylor, diabetes specialist nurse, Dr Paru King, QiC judge, and Dr Jackie Elliott collect their award.
An award-winning Sheffield-based scheme which helps people with diabetes should be rolled out in NHS trusts across the country, health chiefs have said.

The team behind the ‘Improving glycaemic outcomes in newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes adults’ project at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust scooped the ‘Patient Care Pathway Adult’ award at the Quality in Care Diabetes 2016 National Awards.

Judges heard how a significant number of patients were able to reach recommended blood glucose levels set by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence as a result of care from the team.

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The judging panel cited the initiative as a ‘great example of engagement’ which ‘should be distributed across the country’.

Dr Jackie Elliott, senior clinical lecturer in diabetes and honorary consultant, said: “In 2014 only 23 per cent of patients newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes were controlling their blood glucose levels to the standards recommended by NICE one year after diagnosis, so to now have 50 per cent of patients reaching this target is fantastic.”

People with Type 1 diabetes have to take injections to control their blood glucose. Through the programme, patients are given training about how to flexibly manage their blood glucose. This included education programmes around the effect exercise and food intake can have on glucose levels.

The initiative has led to more than twice the number of newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes patients reaching vital NICE targets compared to those diagnosed in 2012 to 2013.

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