Setting the record straight on footballer Frank

The Ecclesfield Red Rose 1971-2 treble-winning teamThe Ecclesfield Red Rose 1971-2 treble-winning team
The Ecclesfield Red Rose 1971-2 treble-winning team
Our recent article on local football leagues legend Frank Bungay was warmly received by his son, Brian, but there were some errors that we need to correct.

To refresh your memories, the excellent piece that was written by contributor Mike Lawton and appeared on September 15 looked back at the career of centre forward Frank, from Ecclesfield.

He attracted attention from professional teams while playing for Ecclesfield Red Rose, scoring 15 goals in one game alone.

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He signed in 1930 for Huddersfield Town and also played for Stoke City, and Southend United, as well as Midland league team Boston United, who signed him on a professional contract.

Following his retirement as a player, Frank returned to Ecclesfield Red Rose  in 1956 and took over as manager two years later.

He went on to lead the team to an amazing run of success over the following two decades.

Brian, who lives in Orchard Close, Ecclesfield, wrote in to say thanks for the article and to point out some errors.

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He said that the team photo pictured here should have been captioned 'Frank, centre, with his 1971-2 treble-winning team'.

He wrote: 'After it reads, '˜Red Rose then went on to win the Amateur League a further 12 times', it should then read '˜also won the Hatchard League divisions one and two and County Senior League divisions one and two, along with all the respective cups and the Tinsley Charity Shield'.'

We're pleased to put such an impressive record straight. Apologies for any confusion caused.

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