Police issue CCTV plea in bid to catch Sheffield thieves

Police probe into car crimePolice probe into car crime
Police probe into car crime
Police officers investigating vehicle crime in Sheffield are urging residents with CCTV to check their footage.

They want to hear from residents whose cameras may have captured suspicious activity or criminals in the act.

This week a 61-plate black Peugeot scooter was stolen after a metal shed in Jermyn Crescent, Hackenthorpe, was broken into.

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Tools were stolen from a van parked in Hopedale Road, Frecheville and loose change was stolen from a taxi broken into on a driveway in Old Retford Road, Handsworth.

Loose coins were also stolen from a car in Goathland Drive, Woodhouse.

Cars parked in Handsworth Grange Road and Birklands Avenue, Handsworth, had their glove boxes searched after windows were smashed to gain entry.

Officers are also investigating criminal damage to a car parked in Richmond Park Close, Richmond. A window was smashed in the attack.

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A South Yorkshire Police spokesman said: "To reduce the number of auto crime offences please lock your vehicles if you regularly leave them unlocked.

"Please remove items of value and loose change and tobacco as this can often attract opportunist thieves.

"If you live on any of the streets affected and have a working CCTV system please check these to see if anything of value has been captured."

Anyone with information should call South Yorkshire Police on 101.