Plans for a new Sheffield Lidl prompts dozens of objections

Plans for a new Lidl at Malin Bridge have prompted dozens of objectionsPlans for a new Lidl at Malin Bridge have prompted dozens of objections
Plans for a new Lidl at Malin Bridge have prompted dozens of objections
More than 60 people have so far objected to plans to open a new Lidl in Sheffield.

The supermarket wants to build a new store on the Rivelin Motor Company site at the bottom of Stannington Road.

But local residents fear it will create chaos as traffic from Stannington, Loxley, Wisewood, Hillsborough and Rivelin all feed into the congested Malin Bridge one-way system.

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There have so far been 63 objections and three in favour. Loxley Valley Protection Society says the site is part housing and part Green Belt but it is not designated for shopping.

It says: 'The proposed hours of opening, the deliveries, the comings and goings of customers and their vehicles could all have a detrimental effect on residents. The effect on existing corner shops could be catastrophic to their trade.

'The supermarket is bound to generate more traffic and the system already is often on the brink of gridlock if not occasionally gridlocked. Residents employ long detours to avoid Malin Bridge or wait in traffic for an unacceptably long time, making journey timing a nightmare.

'There is a lack of bridges due to the steep sided valleys so the traffic is funnelled one or two ways. Immediately above the proposed entrance is a pedestrian crossing which is essential for the safety of the children attending Forge Valley School. The addition of a busy supermarket adds to the safety concerns for the children.'

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Sport England is unhappy that a potential cricket pitch could be lost. It says: 'The application suggests that users of the cricket ground would be able to park in the proposed Lidl car park.

'Commonly, a cricket match is likely to require cars to be parked for a minimum of five hours for up to 22 players, two officials and spectators. Cricket grounds are in demand at all times throughout the week and weekends to play and to practise.  

'Parking for access for maintenance of the ground on a daily basis, would also be required. This would take a significant number of parking spaces at key business times.

'Given the proximity of the proposed development to the cricket ground, a ball strike risk assessment is required - supermarket users could be struck by a ball whilst traveling on foot between their car and the car park.'

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Lidl would create a slip road at the bottom of Stannington Road to allow cars coming from Malin Bridge to move to one side while waiting to turn into its car park.

It has completed a highways assessment using the council's traffic model along with additional traffic counts. Lidl says the proposed store would not have a material impact on the operation of the local highway network.