Help transform Sheffield community hub in crime ridden area

Arbourthorne Community CentreArbourthorne Community Centre
Arbourthorne Community Centre
A volunteer project is taking place to transform the hub of a Sheffield community which has been rocked by a rise in knife and gun crime.

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue has teamed up with the Prince’s Trust Team to work on a project at the Arbourthorne Community Centre to make it look more appealing and make it safer for residents.

As part of the project, volunteers are set to create a vegetable garden and sheltered seating area.

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John A Daley, Prince's Trust team leader, said: “This will help bring people of all ages together within the community to a fantastic common goal.”

The project comes after residents vowed to stand up against violence in the area after a 12-year-old boy was shot in the leg last month.

The community in Arbourthorne were left shaken and shocked by the shooting of the child.

It led to some residents feeling too fearful to step outside their front door.

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Speaking after the shooting, Coun Ben Miskell said: “It’s really not acceptable.

People here are saying that they’ve got a right to be able to go to the shop, walk their dog, see their relatives and go about their ordinary life without fearing being gunned down or something bad happening to them.”

Organisers behind the project are keen to encourage residents to volunteer to help the transformation become a reality.

Mr Daley said: “In this space, we are looking at planting vegetables that can be used for the ‘healthy eating’ program that the centre already promotes, as well as a sheltered seating area to bring those in the community closer together.

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“Once we have gathered some volunteers, as well as having the individuals who are currently on the Prince’s Trust program, we will bring everyone together and talk about the plan.

“After the project is completed, we would like volunteers from other gardening groups to take over and leave a legacy we can be proud of.

“They can also continue to plant out and hopefully supply food to locals who may be struggling and send some on to the food bank as well as planting new seeds within the vegetable garden.”

To volunteer or find out more, contact Mr Daley on 07769 887249, or the centre on 0114 264 6262​​.