Campaigners launch bid to create permanent sculpture in Sheffield after arson attack

The wreckage of the first installationThe wreckage of the first installation
The wreckage of the first installation
A fundraising campaign to replace a sculpture aimed at raising awareness of women’s safety in Sheffield – which was burned to the ground – is underway.

The original art installation in Ponderosa park, a wooden sculpture which lit up at night, was destroyed less than a month after it opened and police are investigating.

Now group Our Bodies Our Streets, which has received support from across the city after the attack, is raising money to create a permanent sculpture.

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They say the new piece would be a ‘constant beacon’ aimed at ‘validating the lived experiences of women and marginalised genders, spark conversations and instigate much needed change for women and marginalised genders!’

Ponderosa art installation unveiled to promote safety in Sheffield public spaces.Ponderosa art installation unveiled to promote safety in Sheffield public spaces.
Ponderosa art installation unveiled to promote safety in Sheffield public spaces.

The group hopes to raise £1,000 towards the cause.

“So upsetting this is part of our society" – READ MORE HERE

Campaigners have received widespread messages of support following the arson attack.

The group said on its fundraising page: “As a volunteer grassroot group, we believe this shows that public art and protest, has an important role in starting much needed conversations, outside of our echo chambers, about street harassment, spatial justice, gender equality, misogyny and our right to the city.”

Donate to the fundraiser, which has so far raised more than £300, here

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