Letter: Postal voting and identity

I wonder what those who are intent on vote rigging are planning for future electionsI wonder what those who are intent on vote rigging are planning for future elections
I wonder what those who are intent on vote rigging are planning for future elections
Postal voting papers have landed. I checked it out, just to be on the safe side, and there is no additional identity required if you are voting by post.

I was told that HMG had suggested requesting your National Insurance number, but that idea has been put on hold.

I wonder what those who are intent on vote rigging are planning for future elections. Just wait for reports of non-receipt of the papers.

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Interception of envelopes containing the postal voting forms.

The interceptors find out the date of birth of the intended recipient; there’s plenty of time, make an effort with that signature (who ever checks them anyway) and bingo a vote has been cast by a forger for their candidate.

Am I being too cynical? I hope so.

Jeremy Biggin


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