Letter: If these red lines go ahead, many lives will be ruined

A 'Save Eccy Road' poster at Banner Cross post office on Ecclesall Road - the QR code links to a petition opposing a red line route that would stop customers of businesses parking on the roadA 'Save Eccy Road' poster at Banner Cross post office on Ecclesall Road - the QR code links to a petition opposing a red line route that would stop customers of businesses parking on the road
A 'Save Eccy Road' poster at Banner Cross post office on Ecclesall Road - the QR code links to a petition opposing a red line route that would stop customers of businesses parking on the road
Yet again we have been subjected to another 15 paragraph finger-wagging lecture from messers Parrish and Hessenberg. It could have been easily condensed into less than 10 words - “we want to kill Ecclesall Road and Abbeydale Road”. They do not live in the real world. How can they say that Red Routes do not affect business?

I seem to recall from their previous efforts that they live at a very smart address directly off Ecclesall Road so it is very easy indeed to smugly walk to the pubs, coffee shops, restaurants, supermarkets and hairdressers. However, not everyone has this luxury nor necessarily the mobility. An infrequent Sheffield bus service will not drop you door-to-door at the above mentioned establishments and you may not be able to afford an over-priced taxi.

If you are unlucky enough to be a wheelchair user or just generally unwell why should you get a penalty ticket for daring to stop and having to smile for the cameras? It is the height of arrogance to dismiss people with these problems.

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I would guess that the authors are under 40 so do not have a problem if their legs are still working properly. However, in a few years time this may not be the case and they may wish to have a re-think and re-assess their selfishness.

Now that we have mentioned the sick, the halt and the lame let’s move on to the small family businesses who are desperately trying to keep their head above water and provide some sort of personal service to Sheffield’s residents and passing visitors. They rely on regular deliveries of fresh stock and, in the food industry, fresh produce. How will this be possible?

Business rates are crippling, and thanks to Mr Putin, utility prices have shot through the roof as well as the price of wheat and cooking-oil which are used in vast quantities in the hospitality industries. I know many businesses and restaurants who have cut their opening times to 3/4 days per week as they cannot afford to pay the lighting and heating bills or pay staff the new minimum wage. Everyone is scrabbling for trade and many rely on passing or through trade which will be killed instantly by these crazy red lines.

Have Parrish & Hessenberg ever worked in the private sector and do they know what makes the world go round? It’s called commerce and it’s what pays the bills for many people in this world unless you are lucky enough to be very rich or have a big fat pension. If these red lines go ahead, many lives will be ruined and there will be an awful lot of empty shops available which no-one will want, with a resulting drop in business rates for the council. What then?

H Greaves

Abbeydale Road, Sheffield, S7