Adding to the problem?

Youth Climate Strike outside Sheffield Town Hall. Picture Scott MerryleesYouth Climate Strike outside Sheffield Town Hall. Picture Scott Merrylees
Youth Climate Strike outside Sheffield Town Hall. Picture Scott Merrylees
Climate change protest, the picture on page 4 tells a story, the happy, smiling faces, the phones out taking selfies.

Well, my take is this, brilliant, but when they all get back to school let’s have a proper lesson in saving the world.

Start with using phones less, or not at all?

Save electricity and reduce your carbon footprint. Then do some research.

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The UK has reduced our emissions by 42 per cent over the last 20 years.

How about a protest outside the Chinese Embassy, the world’s biggest burner of fossil fuels?

The kids in London were all in the wrong place.

Look at where cobalt is mined, the precious commodity inside your phones, Africa, with child labour in corrupt dictatorships.

So yes, please do have a conscience, however look at what you can do and be honest, are you adding to the problem?

The beaches are cleaned of plastics most weekends, but I never see a teenager helping us there on a cold Sunday morning?

Gary Speck

Dobcroft Avenue, Millhouses

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