My view: The rewards of being a foster carer

Stressed mum coping with a baby - by FreyaStressed mum coping with a baby - by Freya
Stressed mum coping with a baby - by Freya
As I'm pushing the pram through Costa, a concerned man informs me of the blanket trailing on the floor. I pick it up, smile and thank him.

I sit down and the 16-month-old toddler in front of me indicates that she wants to come out of the pram. I see no harm in this so I unclip the strap and lift her out, at which point the pram immediately tips backward. Two women rush to my aid as I try to keep hold of the child and remove bags from the back of the pram so it will stay upright.

Finally, I sit down and give her my phone in an attempt to keep her sitting still. She knocks her drink bottle to the floor, and I can't quite reach it with her on my knee. A kind man gets up and passes it to me, whilst reassuring me that he's '˜been there'.

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It suddenly strikes me that I must look like a slightly stressed out mother struggling to even have a peaceful cup of coffee. But I am not her mother. I am her sister and a temporary one at that.

My parents are foster carers and have been for two years now. We have had three babies so far, and they have all been totally different.

I have seen a tiny baby boy's first smile and gone on to see him become a stocky and boisterous toddler. I have seen a poorly baby who couldn't even sit up turn into a strong and brave little girl who inspired us all to believe that no matter the struggles we face, it is possible to just keep smiling.

And now, I am getting to know a toddler who doesn't like the word '˜no' and has a habit of screaming when she doesn't get her way. But she is slowly improving her behaviour as we give her discipline, praise and encouragement, and despite her troubles, she has so much more kindness than I thought was possible for a one-year-old.

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The main thing I have learned about our babies is how surprisingly strong and adaptable they are. An eight-month-old boy who had only ever known us, went to live with his auntie and uncle and is now a funny and happy little boy despite not living with them from the get-go. A  poorly seven-month-old girl got better and happier, and she's even happier, now she's gone back to live with her mum.

An unruly toddler who was untrustworthy of strangers is now getting braver and better behaved. And now, as she spends more time with her dad, we know she won't be living with us for much longer. But for now we read with her, we play with her, we watch Baby Shark with her, and we love her until someone else can do it forever, and then we can make room for the next baby who needs us.