Learn from the NHS

Councillors support NHS on 70th birthday,' page 17, July 7.

Green councillors were pleased to joined Labour and Lib Dems in backing the motion at last week’s full council meeting acknowledging the damage being done by underfunding and privatisation to our wonderful NHS.

But as we celebrate the 70th birthday of Britain’s most popular institution, it is important that we focus on its achievements, and learn from them.

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What our health service has given us over those many decades is security – freedom from fear that we might not be able to afford the treatment we need.

That deep and pressing anxiety is at the heart of the American system that far too many MPs from all the larger parties have wanted to copy.

We should learn from and copy the security the NHS has given us, and extend it to housing and income.

Houses should be regarded not primarily as financial assets but stable, affordable places for people to make their homes.

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And we need to bring in a universal basic income, to take away that fear that zero-hours contracts, insecure employment, low wages and swingeing benefit sanctions have inflicted on many thousands of Sheffield households.

Natalie Bennett

Former Green Party leader, Sheffield Green Party

It will be worth it

The EU deals in domination not democracy, it makes wealthy people wealthier and poor people poorer, see it in that light and all becomes clear.

In reality it is a Napoleonic blueprint, a protectionist union. It aims to come under one flag, totalitarian control of its member states.

It sucks in its target countries with the promise of a better way of living, next it literally smothers the same foolish nations with endless rules and regulations, almost to their final breath.

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The EU wants our sovereignty, democracy and currency, with that our economy. It’s currency, the Euro, is the Dodo, it is a failed financial initiative. The majority of the people who voted in the referendum, voted to leave this organisation.

Looking at the last two years I have to ask, when did politicians become more powerful than the people who elected them into power?

Politicians and bureaucrats set up obstacles, barriers and tariffs to business, the sharing of information and trade between nations and countries.

This is yet another case of doctrines and ideologies getting in the way of the wishes of the people.

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The EU must become a lesson from history, we must never again submit to those who tell us how to act, what to think and what to do.

Regaining democracy and freedom for the UK, may now become expensive, mainly due to the incompetence of our elected representatives and their advisers, but in the end it will be worth it.

Councillor John Booker

Ecclesfield West, deputy leader of UKIP, SCC

The Lord mayor’s views

Following reports in the national media regarding Lord Mayor Magid Magid’s controversial comments about President Donald Trump, made at a full meeting of the Sheffield City Council, I wrote a letter to the Star Your Say feature with my thoughts on the matter for possible publication.

In today’s Star, July 6, there was a full report of the council meeting and an invitation to readers to comment on Magid’s views.

I would like to make further comment in the light of this.

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Magid is certainly unique in the amount of good and bad publicity, controversy and “ruffled feathers” he has caused within the community in the short time since his appointment as our Lord Mayor and First Citizen of Sheffield.

Initially, his fresh innovative approach to the role was welcomed by many people in the community, and I suggest also among his political colleagues.

However, this novelty is rapidly wearing thin in light of his subsequent verbal and written actions concerning President Donald Trump and also his manner of dress and conduct at council meetings.

I respectfully remind Magid that as our Lord Mayor chairing the meeting he should be “neutral” within the council, and should refrain from expressing political views, “banning” the American President from the city, declaring a Mexico Solidarity Day and entreating the public to support it.

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He should also respect the tradition and decorum of the role, and dress in an appropriate manner – no Sombreros and T-shirts embellished with “Donald Trump is a wasteman” – with his ceremonial chain of office superimposed over the offending garment.

Please remember Magid that as our Lord Mayor you represent the people of Sheffield and not yourself. You should not be expressing your highly controversial personal political views while wearing your chain of office.

Your inappropriate actions and style of dress can be seen by many as bringing Sheffield into disrepute both locally and nationally.

It is a matter of conjecture as to how long your political colleagues are prepared to allow your inappropriate actions and conduct to continue within the council chamber.

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I sincerely hope that you do not lose the confidence of your fellow councillors and become our first Lord Mayor to be possibly removed from office.

Cyril Olsen

Busk Meadow, Sheffield, S5

Losers are coming home

If the England football team had concentrated more on their football instead of booking into posh hotels with their families and sightseeing and the manager sitting on the bench dressed up like a dog’s dinner instead of track suit urging his team along we just might have won the World Cup.

But saying that, the team and manager were not good enough and a complete letdown to the fans who paid hard-earned cash to see them.

Football’s coming home? More like the losers are coming home.

EB Warris

Sheffield, S14