Labour lack leadership

Labour Party leader Jeremy CorbynLabour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn
Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn
Are the Labour party in charge of the council and making unpopular decisions, only to hide behind officers when their choices are proven unpopular or it is unelected council officers who are running the show?

Either way it is a damning picture.

Labour councillors have said they were unaware of the decision being made to raise the charges for Sharrow Vale Market from £25 to £800.

It was only last month they said the same thing about the proposed changes to taxi licensing rules which caused uproar as taxi drivers pointed out they would be priced out of the trade.

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When I was leader of the council it was the Liberal Democrat councillors, with the input of local people, who made the decisions.

I hope that the terrible decision on Sharrow Vale Market will be put to bed once and for all, and not just until after the local elections.

Elections are about who you want to run the council, councillors who are competent and effective.

The taxi and Sharrow Vale Market issues show that Labour are clearly not and lack the leadership to move Sheffield forward.

Paul Scriven

Hunters Bar