Golfing equipment, satnavs and a television stolen in string of thefts in Sheffield

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Thieves have stolen satnavs, golf equipment and a television in a string of burglaries across Sheffield.

Sheffield South West Local Policing Team issued details of a number of incidents reported in the last 24 hours which officers are investigating.

Satnavs were taken from cars in Folds Crescent, Beauchief and Chancet Wood Drive, Chancet Wood overnight.

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Golfing equipment was taken from a car in Dalewood Road, Beauchief and speakers and cash were stolen a vehicle in Norton Park View, Norton after a car was possibly left insecure.

A television and other items were taken from a house overnight in Edmund Road, Greenhill, while the occupants of a house in Carter Knowle Road disturbed burglars in the property around midnight.

A bike was also stolen from Carter Knowle Road when thieves forced a lock on a shed.

A house on Lowedges Crescent, Lowedges, was also burgled overnight after a rear kitchen window was smashed.

A battery charger was taken from a car on Terminus Crescent, Millhouses on Monday evening.

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