Get a grip over trees

Rustlings RoadRustlings Road
Rustlings Road
The problem regarding roads, street lights and trees is the absence of maintenance over the years cumulating into a forward-thinking council doing something about it.

Nick Clegg did himself no favours by using this as a political tool. ‘Dragging people out of bed’ ‘Putin’s Russia’.

Was that the whole road or just a small number who were politely asked to move their cars for safety reasons?

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I see you are claiming the credit for the money for road improvements.

Sorry Nick, I used to vote Lib Dem but I, and many others, don’t have short memories and remember South Yorkshire being sold down the river by your sidekick.

Thank goodness for the common-sense letters.

Talk about this being blown out of all proportion. Nazis, Cromwellians, what? For goodness’ sake, get a grip.

Read the book of The Man with a Pram and feel ashamed.

At the first demonstration police were present to make sure there were no injuries or breach of the peace.

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If the plans had been revealed in advance ‘rent a crowd may have turned up.

Perhaps that’s why this decision was made.

Were the pensioners led away from the work for fear that they would get hurt?

Let’s have the truth please.

Don’t forget, yes we pay our rates and taxes, but all this is costing extra money in a place where residents are being brought to their knees.

All you moaners please go and spend some time in a food bank, a hospice or one of the organisations helping disadvantaged children and use your excess energy and money for court cases in a positive way.

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Some trees have been felled in my area and the beautiful young replacement trees look wonderful.



I’ll not take mi coat off

The headline for the departure of Kenny jackett as manager of Rotherham this week should have been “I’ll not take mi coat off, I’m not stopping!”

To save you googling, it was Ken Platt in the ’50s!

Dennis Jephson

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I’ll hibernate to miss films

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat, please move the snow from my hearth mat.

I’m sick to death of the inane, banal, stupid Christmas films on TV.

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We’ve had them since October and I’m sick of snow building up around my TV set and having to move it every morning.

Do we really need to be inundated with second-rate seasonal films every single year?

Show them just two weeks before “ Crimble”.

I think I’ll hibernate until spring to avoid next years onslaught of terrible, stupid badly made films.

The Green Giant

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