Forget Project Fear! Project Beer will help you decide how to vote

In? Out? No idea? A brewery has created EU beers for all tastesIn? Out? No idea? A brewery has created EU beers for all tastes
In? Out? No idea? A brewery has created EU beers for all tastes
If Project Fear has left you cold, perhaps you really ought to seek enlightenment and refreshment from Project Beer?

Little Valley, has launched three limited edition beers to help the nation take a stance on the EU debate.

The beers are all pale ales, which take on distinct qualities from each side of the argument, according to the Yorkshire-based company.

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A spokesman said: “The first, which is called In, is fruity and hoppy and strongly influenced by the continental attitude, while the second: Out, is light ale with bold hints of Euro scepticism and a dry bitter finish.

“Finally, for the undecided voters who exist in their millions: IDK, a mellow and malty pale ale, with a complex and thought-provoking finish.”

Sue Cooper, co­-owner and founder at Little Valley Brewery, said: “We want to engage the nation with a debate that is monumental and what better way to do that than with a bit of quaffable political dialogue?

“The development of the beers was lengthy to ensure the taste reflected the values of each side of the debate and appeal to the masses no matter where they sit on the political spectrum.

“We know that everyone likes to think they are a political expert down the pub, and these beers will help to spark that great debate.”

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