Fatal accident fear over horses roaming Barnsley village for '˜more than two weeks'Â

One of the horses.One of the horses.
One of the horses.
Roaming horses have been causing havoc in a Barnsley village and led to fears there could be a fatal accident unless they are brought back under control.  Â

Residents claim about six of them have gotten free from a field and have been wandering the streets of Brierley for more than two weeks. 

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One of the horses.One of the horses.
One of the horses.

A member of the South Yorkshire Horse Watch group claims they have previously wandered onto the busy Hemsworth Bypass, and have been spotted searching for food in people's bins and grazing in gardens.

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She added that this particular group have been roaming for about a fortnight '“ but the problem has persisted on and off for more than two years. 

In a previous reported incident, a horse was in collision with the windscreen of a vehicle being driven by a woman with children on board that was passing through the village.

Broken windscreen.Broken windscreen.
Broken windscreen.

The horse watch member, who did not want to be identified, now fears it could only a matter of time before one of the horses is involved in a fatal road crash unless the authorities take action to get them back under control. 

She said: 'The bypass has a speed limit of 60mph '“ imagine a horse hitting the car at that speed, it could kill someone. 

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'It already happened before where a woman's car was hit, something needs doing before it happens again. 

'Because they are not being tended to, they are grazing and looking for food in the bins. 


'It is not fair on the horses either and obviously people are getting very concerned.'  

The woman believes they belong to a traveller camp that has been set up nearby for a number of years. This has not been confirmed by the authorities. 

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She added that she has raised the issue with the police and council numerous times but no firm action has been taken yet.

She said: 'They come out and get them off the road and into a field. But obviously they start to stray off again.

'I would like to see them seized and re-homed.'  

We have contacted South Yorkshire Police and Barnsley Council for comment and are waiting for replies.Â