Exciting Chesterfield Canal dig to go ahead

Dig at a Chesterfield Canal siteDig at a Chesterfield Canal site
Dig at a Chesterfield Canal site
An archaeological dig to find a Cuckoo boat, unique to the Chesterfield Canal, is to take place in August.

A £10,000 grant from the Aviva Community fund will allow the exciting project to go ahead on the site of the original Bellhouse Basin on the canal, in Staveley.

It is believed that at least one Cuckoo boat could be found in this area.

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The Chesterfield Canal Trust is now busy preparing for the dig and member Andy Robinson is appealing for old photographs, old maps, old documents, old press cuttings, artefacts or other material relating to the Lowgates area of Staveley, especially the bottom of Bellhouse Lane.

He said: “ “I am absolutely delighted that we have won this money. We will spend the next few months getting everything ready for the dig itself, which will take place in August. We intend to involve lots of members of the local community, including children. This is a chance for them to learn first had about how Staveley played a vital part right from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.”

The Trust competed with thousands of organisations to procure Aviva funding, with a huge swell of support from the local community.

It is also celebrating a new restoration ambassador in the form of Dave Berry, famous for classic hits such as the Crying Game. His appointment comes as the Trust launches its Restoration Appeal fund entitled A Place in History, to pay for plant and materials to be used by volunteers to maintain their work.

To find out more about the projects, visit the website (search for Chesterfield Canal), or email info@hollingwood.org.uk.