Sheffield man jailed for subjecting girlfriend to beatings and controlling behaviour

James CuttsJames Cutts
James Cutts
A Sheffield man has been jailed for subjecting his girlfriend to beatings and controlling and coercive behaviour.

20-year-old James Cutts entered into a relationship with the complainant last year after meeting each other through work, Sheffield Crown Court heard. 

Neil Coxon, prosecuting, said the couple’s relationship initially started ‘quite well’ but quickly began to deteriorate. 

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“He became possessive, and would restrict her contact with friends and family. He didn’t want her using social media or her mobile phone to arrange seeing other people,” Mr Coxon said. 

Police became involved for the first time in the early hours of January 27 this year, after Cutts lashed out at the complainant during a night out at the Hex nightclub on Queens Road, near to Sheffield City Centre. 

Mr Coxon told the court: “She was on the dance floor, he grabbed her by the head and slammed it into a glass door...the door shattered and it left her with scratches to her body, head and a shard of glass to the shoulder.”

Cutts, of Bradway Close, Bradway was arrested by police at the scene, and racially abused one of the officers. 


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The complainant was taken to hospital but refused to make a police statement at that time, the court heard. 

The second incident attended by police took place when the complainant and Cutts went back to his home shortly after 12.30am on February 17 this year. 

Mr Coxon said: “Almost immediately after returning to his house an argument started. The defendant began demanding food, and began throwing food across the kitchen and the living room. He became angry and aggressive and started punching the complainant...she recalls the defendant grabbing and strangling her. He kicked her to the left side of her ribs which caused her severe pain.”

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The attack only came to an end when police arrived at Cutts’ address, after receiving a 999 call from one of his neighbours. 

Cutts was arrested and taken into custody, and the complainant gave a statement in which she detailed other incidents of abuse.

“She said that on at least two occasions the defendant has been in close proximity to her nose and has hit it,” said Mr Coxon. 



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In a victim impact statement read out in court, the woman said: “He has taken it too far this time. He’s dangerous, he can’t do this any more. He makes me feel very scared.”

Cutts pleaded guilty to two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, one count of controlling and coercive behaviour and a racially aggravated public order offences at an earlier hearing. 

Ian Goldsack, defending, said: “He’s a young man who will end up spending further time in custody, meaning that for much of his life he has been in one institution or another,” adding that he was taken away his family and was brought up with a foster family.

“These problems have manifested when both were substantially intoxicated. He deeply regrets the way he has acted,” added Mr Goldsack. 

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Judge Roger Thomas QC sentenced Cutts to 21 months in a Young Offenders’ Institute, during a hearing held on Friday, April 12. 

- South Yorkshire Police have been asked to provide a custody image of Cutts