Sheffield landlord takes legal action over 'campaign of intimidation' in dispute with tenant

A Sheffield landlord is taking legal action over a 'campaign of intimidation' she claims to have suffered as a result of a dispute with a tenantA Sheffield landlord is taking legal action over a 'campaign of intimidation' she claims to have suffered as a result of a dispute with a tenant
A Sheffield landlord is taking legal action over a 'campaign of intimidation' she claims to have suffered as a result of a dispute with a tenant
A Sheffield landlord is taking legal action over a ‘campaign of intimidation’ she claims she has endured following a dispute with a tenant.

Lawyers representing Zobia Rafique, who rents out rooms across Sheffield, have informed community campaign group ACORN (The Association of Community Organisations for Reform Now) that the mum-of-four is seeking 'substantial damages’ from the organisation, which is representing a tenant in a dispute over a deposit.

They claim ACORN has posted defamatory social media posts about the landlord and have left 46-year-old Mrs Rafique frightened to leave her house in Millhouses as a result of a ‘campaign of intimidation’ which has included demonstrations outside her family home.

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The dispute involves Mrs Rafique’s refusal to return a £300 deposit to a woman who signed up for a room last December but then changed her mind.

Nick McAleenan, a partner with JMW Solicitors, said the landlord was ‘left with no alternative’ but to take legal action once the campaign continued despite an official ruling in Mrs Rafique’s favour when the case was considered by the Deposit Protection Service.

“The impact of the activities of ACORN’s members has been considerable and very damaging for Mrs Rafique and her family. They have had to endure four months of distress through no fault of their own,” the lawyer said.

“There have been noisy demonstrations outside their home involving scores of people as well as highly defamatory and incorrect posts on social media.

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“No-one would deny people the right to protest. However, in this case, what has happened has far exceeded what anybody might regard as reasonable behaviour.

“The fact that ACORN has persisted in unfairly targeting Mrs Rafique after the Deposit Protection Service concluded that she was in the right means that she feels compelled to use legal means to try and bring this harassment to an end.”

An advent calendar, filled with notes demanding the return of the £300 deposit, was sent to Mrs Rafique and neighbours have received leaflets describing her as a ‘dodgy landlord’.

Mr McAleenan said: “We are seeking a very clear and immediate undertaking that the group will not contact Mrs Rafique either directly or indirectly and will cease its harassment of her.

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“She has run a successful business for 12 years, providing accommodation to individuals across Sheffield.

“It is wholly unacceptable that she should have to deal with such harassment despite being totally cleared of any suggestion of wrongdoing whatsoever."

Caty Murray, ACORN Sheffield’s Branch Secretary, said: “ACORN Sheffield engaged in a member defence case from December 2020 onwards for one of our members against Zobia Rafique and her company Century One.

“Zobia Rafique is aware of our member’s claims that their agreement was fraudulently altered. Our member was never in possession of the keys to the property, and housing charity Shelter has confirmed this means Zobia Rafique does not have grounds to claim rent payments.

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“ACORN has been engaging in lawful, peaceful protest against Zobia Rafique to request the return of the deposit and to wipe the bogus debt. This has included visiting her registered business address to deliver a demand letter and sing Christmas carols. We have only ever used her publicly available business information and have not shared any sensitive data on social media.

“ACORN refutes all allegations made by Zobia Rafique.”