Crookes murder Sheffield: Passengers on two buses and customers from Crookes pubs and restaurants asked to come forward

Police are asking for the customers from a number of businesses in Crookes, as well as bus passengers, to come forward as they may have vital evidence over a murder investigation.Police are asking for the customers from a number of businesses in Crookes, as well as bus passengers, to come forward as they may have vital evidence over a murder investigation.
Police are asking for the customers from a number of businesses in Crookes, as well as bus passengers, to come forward as they may have vital evidence over a murder investigation.
The passengers of two buses and the patrons of several Crookes pubs and restaurants could have vital evidence about an alleged murder in Sheffield.

Mohammed Iqbal was stabbed to death at around 7pm on May 25 in an incident on Crookes Road. A post mortem found he was killed by a single stab wound. He was 17.

Today (May 28), a 29-year-old man – Peshawa Ghaffour, of Birkendale Road, Walkley – was charged with his murder, while another man, 33, was arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender.

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Now, South Yorkshire Police is thanking the public for their help in assisting their investigations – but say there are still several people to come forward who could hold vital information.

A man has been charged with the murder of Mohammed Iqbal, 17, who was stabbed to death in Crookes in Sheffield on May 25.A man has been charged with the murder of Mohammed Iqbal, 17, who was stabbed to death in Crookes in Sheffield on May 25.
A man has been charged with the murder of Mohammed Iqbal, 17, who was stabbed to death in Crookes in Sheffield on May 25.

Officers are asking for the customers of a number of Crookes businesses who were in the area, as well as the passengers on two buses that passed by at the time of the stabbing, to speak with police.

People in the area told The Star the incident happened near the Domino Pizza restaurant on Crookes, which is also known as Man Road. The road was sealed off between The Ball pub and Sainsbury’s for much of Friday and into Saturday.

Anyone with information that could help officers bring Mohammed’s killers to justice can contact SYP on 101, quoting incident number 965 of May 25. Alternatively, if you would prefer not to provide your details to police, please contact independent charity Crimestoppers by ringing their UK Contact Centre on freephone 0800 555 111, or completing an online form on their website.

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DCI Joanne Kemp, leading the investigation, said: "We have so far spoken to a number of witnesses to this tragic event, and we thank them for their assistance with our enquiries.

"But through investigating this killing and trawling through a lot of CCTV footage from that evening, it has come to our attention a number of restaurants, takeaway establishments and public houses along Crookes Road were busy at that time. We would like to speak to anyone who was present in one of these, in particular The Ball public house.

"Also, at least two buses were travelling past at that time. We want to widen our net and speak to even more witnesses, as well as still looking to speak to those who may have been driving past and captured the incident on their vehicle's dash cam.

"If you were in one of the buildings overlooking the scene or travelling past on a bus at the time, please get in contact and speak to us. It might not seem that significant, but the smallest pieces of evidence often enable us to complete a puzzle and bring offenders before a court."

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Peshawa Ghaffour, of Birkendale Road, Walkley, Sheffield, will appear before Sheffield Magistrates Court tomorrow (May 29) charged with murder. He also faces charges of possession of a firearm on arrest for a schedule 1 (or serious) offence, possession of a bladed article, being in possession of an offensive weapon when in a private place, and assault by beating.