Citywide crackdown on bad parking

Sheffield Council is cracking down on motorists who park on pavementsSheffield Council is cracking down on motorists who park on pavements
Sheffield Council is cracking down on motorists who park on pavements
Selfish motorists who park on pavements creating dangers for pedestrians and other drivers will be fined under a new council crackdown.

Sheffield Council is introducing a new citywide traffic regulation order on pavement parking which means motorists could be hit with a fine.

The council has stressed that people who need to park slightly on the pavement outside their home will not be penalised. Nor will motorists who go on the pavement on narrow streets to allow traffic to pass.

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Coun Jack Scott, Cabinet member for Highways, said at there was currently a lot of “irresponsible but not illegal” parking. Rather than painting double yellow lines everywhere, the new enforcement will target areas which have particular problems such as near junctions.

He said: “Although this is a citywide scheme it will only be enforced on certain roads, particularly those in the city centre or near schools.

“I saw some awful parking outside a school in Millhouses that made my blood boil. There was a great big 4x4 which had pulled onto the pavement on a corner by the school. It stopped other drivers from being able to see around the corner and prevented people from being able to get past on the pavement.”

But Coun Scott appreciates Sheffield’s topography of hills and narrow streets, plus an ever increasing number of cars on the road, means the enforcement has to be done with common sense.

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He added: “We won’t be taking action against people who have to park outside their home on a narrow street, this will focus on certain locations.”

Parking wardens have already been flagging up hot spots to the council and when the scheme is rolled out over the new few weeks, members of the public will also be able to report problem areas,