CCTV released in connection with Sheffield supermarket robbery

Do you know this man?Do you know this man?
Do you know this man?
Detectives investigating a robbery at a Sheffield supermarket have released CCTV images of a man they want to trace.Â

At around 6.20pm on Sunday December 23, it is reported that a man entered the Spar store on Ridgeway Road and threatened a member of staff.

The man, who is said to have been carrying a small handgun, made demands for cash before taking cigarettes and money from the till.

Police want to trace this man after the supermarket robberyPolice want to trace this man after the supermarket robbery
Police want to trace this man after the supermarket robbery

Nobody was injured in the incident.

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Police investigating have now released this CCTV image and want to speak to anyone who knows the man pictured.

Anyone with information should call South Yorkshire police on 101 quoting incident number 632 of December 23.

Alternatively, you can also pass information to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.