Bike thieves targeting sheds in Sheffield suburb

Kendal Road in Hillsborough was one of the streets targeted (photo: Google)Kendal Road in Hillsborough was one of the streets targeted (photo: Google)
Kendal Road in Hillsborough was one of the streets targeted (photo: Google)
Police in Sheffield have urged people to step up security after thieves broke into a number of sheds and stole bikes

Officers issued the warning today following a spate of bicycle thefts in Hillsborough on Thursday night.

They said bikes had been taken from properties on Kendal Road, Chiltern Road, Portsea Road and Dykes Hall Road, all of which are very close to each other.

"Please make sure your shed security is in place," Sheffield West neighbourhood policing team advised residents in the area.

"It may be worth installing a shed alarm and additional padlock and chain."