1973: We want YOUR memories

Star Retro wants your 1973 memoriesStar Retro wants your 1973 memories
Star Retro wants your 1973 memories
We welcome all your recollections of 1973 ... when TV cameras focused on Sheffield for a "one city, one day" nationwide documentary.

BBC's "Sheffield – All in a day – The City" 45-minute film (revisited here) spotlighted the city's local paper, steelworks, hospital and police, focusing on a funeral and retirement as well as featuring local landmarks such as Dunford Hadfields factory, Hole in t’road, Peace Gardens,Town Hall and Hyde Park under construction.

But it's YOUR memories of the year, emailed to [email protected] by Thursday November 17, that will be considered for inclusion in Tuesday's Star 8-page Retro supplement Your Memories section.

1973 saw Sheffield feature in BBC documentary1973 saw Sheffield feature in BBC documentary
1973 saw Sheffield feature in BBC documentary

Here's this week's audience feedback:

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‘Crazy patterns on clothes were the in thing – I’d shudder at them now’ Claire Hawley, aged 59

‘I was six and I remember Alice Cooper, School's Out, being number one in the charts. I still love that song now!’ Diane Hall, aged 50

‘The Godfather was released – I saw it about seven times at the cinema” Rodney Smith, aged 75

Sheffield landmark Hole in t'roadSheffield landmark Hole in t'road
Sheffield landmark Hole in t'road

And, to help jog recollections of 43 years ago, synopsis below of what was occurring at home and abroad.

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Nationally 1973 saw January 1 entry of UK into European Economic Community, followed throughout the year by VAT introduction, Open University first degrees, extensive homeland IRA bombing, £20 million Thalidomide compensation pay-outs, 1.5 million TUC members' Day Of Protest strike support, Princess Royal's marriage to Captain Mark Phillips, Austin Allegro launch, Liverpool's league championship win, Pink Floyd's Brit best seller album The Dark Side of the Moon release, James Bond Live and Let Die film premiere, TV sitcom Last of the Summer Wine's initial (of 31) series and, nearer home, 25 lives tragically lost in Markham and Lofthouse Colliery disasters.

Globally US troops withdrew from Vietnam where war ended with peace treaty signing, Arab-Israeli Yom Kippur War started, Sydney Opera House opened, New York's World Trade Center became world's tallest building, Basque terrorists killed Spanish PM Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco, General Augusto Pinochet lead Chili military coup, President Richard Nixon told Watergate Hearings “I am not a crook” and Royal Navy protected Cod War trawlers in Icelandic waters.