Landlords have responsibilities

Zoe AddenbrookeZoe Addenbrooke
Zoe Addenbrooke
Being a landlord has many benefits, but what comes with those benefits is also responsibilities.

As a letting agent we feel the first and most important responsibility is to ensure the tenants are safe within their new property.

Ways of checking this are by having an annual Gas Safety Inspection (GSI) (which is a legal requirement), having a Fixed Wiring Test (FWT) and also a Portable Appliance Test (PAT). Here at Spencers, we can happily advise you the best ways to feel that you are doing your utmost to keep your tenants safe, so that you can sleep easy at night.

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Regulations for safety change all the time in the rented property sector, and there are new regulations on Smoke and Carbon monoxide detectors in rental properties which came in to force as of October 1. There needs to be a working smoke detector on all habitable floors and there also needs to be a carbon monoxide detector in each room that has a solid fuel device, we ensure that we keep our finger on the pulse regarding any new regulations that come in to practice and advise our landlords accordingly.

Being a local independent estate agent with one office, we focus heavily on relationship building between landlord, tenant and agent representative, we feel that it is incredibly important to ensure that your tenants are happy in their new home and start a tenancy on the correct footing. Wherever possible we take the time to invite landlords in to see us, and all tenants come to our office to sign their tenancy, so that a face-to-face relationship can be built upon; it is so much nicer chatting on the phone when you know who you are talking to.

We aim to ensure that all of our properties are clean, safe, and to the standard where we would be happy for a family member of our own to move in to. Professional inventories outsourced to APIP accredited professionals also guarantee that there are less issues at the end of any tenancy. The incredibly detailed documents ensure that a tenant knows that their deposit is safe, and also ensures that the landlord feels that the condition of their property is safe too.

At Spencers we pride ourselves on working with landlords to ensure they are happy at all times and also so we can find the most suitable tenants for that particular property. Visit our office, call on 0114 2683682 or email

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