How to kill time while travelling

Thanks to modern technology there's no need to waste your travel time.Thanks to modern technology there's no need to waste your travel time.
Thanks to modern technology there's no need to waste your travel time.
With so much of our lives now spent in transit, it’s time to start making the most of your travel time.

Whether it’s the daily commute on public transport, or the long-haul holiday experience, we spend an increasing amount of our lives getting from one place to another. Thanks to modern technology that time needn’t go to waste - so here are our top tips for getting the most out of your travel time.

Plan Ahead

Whether you’re off on holiday or just heading into work, the travel time shouldn’t be thought of as wasted - and it can be the perfect time to get yourself ready for whatever lies ahead. So if you’re heading into work, why not use your smartphone to plan, organise your schedule and get ahead of the day, rather than worrying about what’s in store. And if you’re off on holiday, use your travel time to plan out what you want to see and do at your destination - either pack a guide book or go online and take notes. As well as keeping you busy, it will help you make the most of your trip - so you can get started as soon as you arrive.

Play Around

If forward planning isn’t for you, there’s still no reason to waste the time - modern smartphones and ever-improving access to the internet means you can explore a world of online gaming while the world whistles by outside the window. So no more staring at dreary queues of traffic - if you have a portable games console you can work your way through that tricky end-of level boss fight, but even if you just have a smartphone there are a world of opportunities available, from simple puzzles to trying your luck at an online casino packed with games and challenges.

Catch up on your favourite TV shows

It might not seem like the best place to watch a movie, but if you plug in your headphones you can soon get lost in the experience, binge on your favourite drama or catch up on last night’s soap. Whatever your preference, it will make the journey fly-by. Just remember to charge up your device, make sure whatever you're watching is appropriate for a public space - and try not to miss your stop!

Get creative

In our increasingly busy lives it can be hard to find the time to express your creative side - but with a huge array of drawing, designing and photography apps there's plenty of ways to use your travel time to great effect, and arrive at your destination with something incredible to show for your trip. And if you prefer to avoid technology while travelling you can always take along a sketchpad, knitting needles or origami paper and perfect your skills one short trip at a time.

Explore a whole new world

Travel time is the ideal chance to delve into a good book, in whatever format best suits you - whether it’s flicking through the pages of your perfect paperback, browsing the options on a kindle reader, or listening to an audio book, there’s never been a better time to get lost in a world of imagination. The only problem is you won’t want your journey to end.

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