Sheffield households save three million litres of water each year thanks to Yorkshire Water

A water efficiency project by Yorkshire Water has helped save 400 homes in Sheffield 8,000 litres of water each per yearA water efficiency project by Yorkshire Water has helped save 400 homes in Sheffield 8,000 litres of water each per year
A water efficiency project by Yorkshire Water has helped save 400 homes in Sheffield 8,000 litres of water each per year
An amazing 400 homes in Sheffield have saved 8,000 litres each per year thanks to free water saving devices and an efficiency drive by Yorkshire Water.

The ‘Fit2Save’ project is part of efforts by the firm to manage water demand in the region and reduce the average amount of water customers consume, which is currently a whopping 155 litres of water per day.

By cutting down water consumption, the 400 homes involved managed to reduce their annual water bill by an average of £24.77 if on a meter.

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Yorkshire Water technicians visited all the homes to install up to 10 water saving devices, which included shower timers, water butts for the garden and specially designed shower heads. During the visit any minor leaks from toilets or dripping taps were also identified and repaired.

Doreen Pearce, a Sheffield resident who took part in the water saving trial, said: “This is a brilliant service, it really makes you think about how you can save water.”

Sheffield was chosen as the trial area following the long dry summer of 2018, in a bid to keep the city supplied from the same water sources they’re used to. As Yorkshire Water’s grid system had to be utilised to top up Sheffield’s supply during the summer heatwave which tastes slightly different.

Adrian Flanagan, the ‘Fit2Save’ campaign lead at Yorkshire Water, said: “Water is a finite resource that should not be taken for granted, which many people are starting to slowly realise. Due to climate change and growing populations the risk of water shortages in the coming decades is very real unless as a society we start to use water more efficiently in our homes.

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“Our Fit2Save trial in Sheffield will save a total of 3,186,092 litres of clean drinking water per year, every year. Simple devices, such as tap adaptors and shower regulators, can really make a difference and cut down water usage without impacting on people’s everyday lifestyles.

To order free water saving devices from Yorkshire Water visit website.

Further ‘Fit2Save’ trials are scheduled to take place in Rotherham, Halifax and Barnsley before the project is rolled out across the region.