Entertainment: Top folk duo heading to region

A top folk rock duo, who counted Crosby, Stills and Nash founder David Crosby as a fan and a friend, are heading to a local venue for an intimate gig.

Zervas and Pepper, who got to know 80a icon Crosby after they flew to America to record an album, have played at Glastonbury, toured with legendary Scottish band Deacon Blue, and appeared at major stadiums including the 02 Arena.

Crosby, who died in January, spent time with the pair while they were in LA working with one of his long time friends recording their fourth album.

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He was full of praise afterwards for their close harmonies calling their work ‘mighty fine’.

Paul Zervas and Kath Pepper are appearing at Letwell Village Hall on Saturday, April 29. Doors open at 8 pm.

Limited tickets are available - priced £15 - from Martyn and Matt on 07909 960 422 or 01909 731626.

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